Bachelor Thesis Writing Resources
I collected some resources that might be useful in case you are writing your Bachelor thesis under my supervision. If you find broken links or want to add something that was useful to you, let me know!
[Academic writing tips for thesis students in econometrics] - This blog entry by Andreas Pick is tailored for the Bachelor students in our Econometric programs.
[What they don't tell you about plagiarism!] - This episode from the 'How to PhD - the essential guide for all University students!' podcast goes through a discussion over 'accidental plagiarism'. It is slightly focused on PhD students, but many of the elements are applicable for other stages in the academic life.
[Karreman, B., Werner, G., Van der Molen, H., Osseweijer, E. M., Ackermann, M., Schmidt, H., & Van der Wal, E. (2018). Academic writing skills for economics and business administration.] - This book is used in the academic skills course at Erasmus University. If you are writing your thesis under my supervision I will assume you are familiar with the book.
[Chaubey, Varanya (2018). The Little Book of Research Writing] - This book gives a more general view on how to structure an academic paper. It goes beyond the grammar rules and structure - instead, it guides you on how to write your whole paper storyline cohesively. Varanya also keeps a blog with tips.
[A guide to Writing Mathematics] - This guide from dr. Kevin P. Lee has several tips on how to incorporate mathematics into your text in a fluid manner. It has several examples and covers almost all the things that you will face when writing a thesis in Econometrics.
[Writing tips for Ph.D. students] - This guide by prof Cochrane has direct tips on how to organize your writing. Although directed to PhDs in Economics, many of the ideas can be transferred to a Bachelor student writing their thesis.