Aishameriane Schmidt
I am a fourth year Ph.D candidate at the Econometrics Institute - Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam & Tinbergen Institute (TI) in partnership with De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB). My supervisors are dr A. Pick, dr A. Naghi, and prof dr C. Zhou is my promotor.
You can find more about my background in the CV section.
My research interests are mostly linked to macroeconometrics: I use econometric tools to solve macroeconomic problems. In my Ph.D., I am investigating how to use machine learning methods to solve different macroeconomic questions and how to compare these methods with traditional econometric tools. You can find more about my work in the Research section.
Photo courtesy by ECWO/EUR (2024).
(July, 2024) There is a new SUERF policy brief based on my nowcasting inflation working paper, with R. Schnorrenberger (Kiel University & Bundesbank) and G. Valle Moura (UFSC). Check it out here!
(May, 2024) I am co-organizing with Lisa Marie Timm the 2024 Tinbergen Institute PhD Jamboree. More information at TI's website. I also updated the events I will attend this year and made a subpage with writing tips for Bachelor students.
(March, 2024) My work on inflation nowcasting co-authored with R. Schnorrenberger (Kiel University & Bundesbank) and G. Valle Moura (UFSC) is now available as a DNB working paper. Comments and feedback are welcome!
(May, 2023) The DNBulletin 'Worden huizen weer betaalbaar voor starters?' (English version) and the DNB Analyse 'Financieringsruimte en huizenprijzen' (English version) based on the demand driven research project on housing prices in the Netherlands that I collaborated last year reveived some media attention: FD-artikel with quotes from my colleagues Gerard and Dorinth, NOS-journaal, NOS-artikel, Telegraaf, AD,, De Limburger and some other regional newspapers.
(April, 2023) My work with R. Schnorrenberger (Kiel University & Bundesbank) and G. Valle Moura (UFSC) has been accepted at the following conferences: 43rd International Symposium on Forecasting, 29th International Conference on Computing in Economics, BSE Summer Forum on Macroeconometrics and Policy Evaluation and the 38th meeting of the European Economic Association.